What you can do
We know how it feels…
The Climate and Ecological crises feel so enormous…
And feel so overwhelming to tackle as an individual…
But remember…

Extinction Rebellion is founded to provide an amazing platform for bringing ordinary concerned citizens together to unite and make strong collective action.
Many of us have been striving as individuals and in other groups for decades in the struggle to build a just transition to a better world, one that values community over individualism, and preserving this beautiful planet and all its myriad ecosystems that are our life support.
We believe that sadly, that “the standard methods” of writing to MPs, signing petitions and asking nicely have failed in the face of the “Business as Usual Machine” and that we need to lob a few carefully placed spanners into the works via non-violent direct action to make a demand of power to change our ways before it is too late.
And we need to do it
You understand the science, you’ve seen the crazy weather and innumerable “once in a hundred years” events, you know there is less wildlife around our towns and countryside and that we are atomized as individuals and you want to do some thing about it, but what…?
What YOU CAN do…
1. Be inspired by the stories of our Bristol Rebels below, then…
2. Get all the latest insider info from our Newsletter, then…
3. Read our current XR Bristol Strategy, then..
4. Come along to one of our regular Meetings, then…
5. Join a Working Group & take on a role…
Join our teams – see Current Roles that are recruiting
Need more inspiration?
If you are reading this page you probably know enough about the science and can see for your own eyes that we have drifted into the Climate and Ecological Crises that define our very struggle for existence.
You probably also know enough to realise that there are some dark forces in our human world that keep driving us towards the cliff edge of extinction because of their power.
But how to combat that power?
By education and collaboration in how to tackle that power.
Below are three books that short read but long in their knowledge and insights as to how to work together to resist and ultimately overturn these forces for good.
All of them can be bought from good book stalls, often second hand, or come along to one of our meetings and ask to borrow a copy from someone.

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- Find out what XR means to Bristolians
- Read about how to start getting involved with XR Bristol
- Hear from others like you & how they got started

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