The next big set of actions against the fossil fuel industries’ achilles heel – Insurance…!

Fossil Fuel companies get insurance but Hurricane victims won’t… is that right? Hear more & what you can do about it.

Let’s Upgrade Democracy to counteract the dark forces driving the climate & ecological emergencies

Rebels Assemble – Actions for all to Insure Our Survival with this brillant video – funny AND poignant at the same time

Why Target Insurers?

Insurance is the Achilles heel of the global fossil fuel industry. It’s what gives oil, gas and coal companies the confidence to dig and drill as the planet burns – by covering their operations against financial losses when things go wrong.

Without insurance, major oil and gas companies cannot operate and climate-wrecking oil, gas, and coal exploration, production and distribution will fail to go ahead.

Just 20 companies insure 70% of fossil fuel projects. A large number of these companies are based in the UK, mostly in the City of London. Insure Our Survival are paying them regular visits to convince them to abandon the oil, gas and coal industries completely.

The Insurance Week of Actions in February showed that this is a fight for the climate we can win. Insure Our Survival will keep the wins coming in October, and begin to fatally undermine the ability of the fossil fuel crooks to go about their oily, planet-wrecking business.

Everything else you need to know can be found at Extinction Rebellion’s Website and the Rebel Toolkit where you will find a cornucopia of more information about how you can play your part.

Upgrade Democracy

For three days and nights, Rebels from far and wide came together to build an encampment and campaigned to put our 3rd demand for Citizens’ Assemblies onto the front page of the tabloids and the evening news. 

This is an XR action to target our broken system – with no compromises, others can join us, but this is our show!

More information can be found at or you can watch some of the 3 days of livestreaming.

Upgrade Democracy – Day 1
The System is Broken

Upgrade Democracy – Day 2
Mass Citizens’ Assembly

Upgrade Democracy – Day 3
Another World is Possible 

Hear more about upgrading democracy

We have recorded a series of videos from recent meetings to share and learn about how our democracy works and how we need to make it work to address the Climate and Ecological Emergencies.

Learn about the XR UR 2024 Strategy

Hear how unrepresentative our democracy is

Watch local democracy in action at Bristol Hustings

On Saturday 22nd June we called on all politicians to get behind big action for nature.
60,000+ people gathered in London to send a clear message to the next government

We must #RestoreNatureNow

Read about the 300+ supporter organisations at

Watch the recording of the Live Stream Video and see if you can spot local Bristol Activists in amongst the excellent speeches, featuring Dale Vince, Chris Packham, Megan McCubbin, Feargal Sharkey and many others




Around the world, biodiversity is being annihilated at a terrifying rate. We are entering the ‘sixth mass extinction’ event and the consequences could be catastrophic if we do not act swiftly.

In spite of promises from governments, biodiversity loss shows no sign of slowing.

The future of our life support systems are at stake.

We invited you to take part in a mock-funeral for nature procession through the streets of Bath to help raise awareness and make change happen, especially for the UK, which is now ‘one of the most nature-depleted countries on earth’.

Insure Our Future

Saturday 2nd March

All over the UK, over 1,000 people took part in dozens of individual actions as part of the coordinated “Insure Our Future” Campaign.

Here is a brilliant video of the Action that took place at the offices of Tokio Marine in Bristol, one of the biggest and dirtiest insurers in the world.

Find more about this amazingly impactful series of actions from

2023 Retrospective

“It is only when you look back down the hill that you realise how far you have climbed, even if you are still far from the summit…”

At this time in the year it is often worthwhile reflecting on what we have done and the good we have achieved, if only to make the road ahead seem less daunting and give courage for the journey ahead.

Take a few moments to watch these videos from 2023 and feel the spirit rising in you to do yet more into 2024 to build a better world for us and all life on Earth.

And from across the country

If these videos inspire you to join us in our activities and action, then please contact us below or visit our Meetings page for more info on being with other like-minded people.

For more about our past actions

Visit our Previously page or social media

Welcome to Beyond

The Fossil Fuel Era

Everyone is welcome

Extinction Rebellion is founded on a number of fundamental principles

One of the key ones is that we value reflecting and learning.

Since The BIG One in April 2023, where we gathered so many thousands of souls to fight for our lives, we have been reflecting and learning about that event and what it helps us to do next.

We have done a lot of work deliberating at our open meetings and also hard graft behind the scenes to build our XR Bristol Strategy.

What YOU CAN do…

1. Be inspired by the stories of our Bristol Rebels below, then…

2. Get all the latest insider info from our Newsletter, then…

3. Read our current XR Bristol Strategy, then..

4. Come along to one of our regular Meetings, then…

5. Join a Working Group & take on a role

Come along to discuss and join others to feel the power of joint action.

We hold weekly open meetings and many others for specialist and working groups.

Find out more on our Join Us page.

The BIG One

Read our reflections on this major event

Visit our Previously page for a full report in text, pictures and stats.

There is much more to come. More news soon as we start to roll out our new local strategy for the next 18 months taking in the next two election cycles.

Meet our Extinction Rebellion Bristol Rebels

Ordinary people doing extraordinary things… in unprecedented times.

You can be part of our Movement to unite in the greatest challenges of our times.

Watch their stories as you progress through the various pathways below.

Extinction Rebellion Youth

Extinction Rebellion Youth Bristol is the autonomous, climate and social justice focused, youth wing of XR Bristol, for those under the age of 30.

Our XR Bristol Instagram Feed

Our Facebook Feed

Calling bird

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Begging hands

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A monthly or one-off donation will help us raise awareness, train members and fund actions.