New to Extinction Rebellion?

You are more powerful than you think


If you have arrived at this page, you know we are facing Climate and Ecological Emergencies, but it’s probably not something you like to talk about… who does?

We’d all rather be going about our “normal” lives, but we no longer live in “normal” times.

You probably recycle, might have signed an online petition to your MP and maybe even switched to a green energy supplier.

But you know you need to do more…, but what?

Meet our Bristol Rebels, hear what they have done, and imagine how you could join with them and how being part of the growing movement of Extinction Rebellion (XR), you can be more powerful than you think!

Hannah’s XR Story

“I do qualitative data analysis, so I look at interviews from people, usually in the global South and quite often they’re about farming projects…

What we’re seeing more and more are people’s lives essentially being ruined by climate change.

Being an activist… there’s definitely a lot of a lot of love and happiness going around. 

I think in the movement people are so supportive of each other. 

I’ve met a lot of different people through activism that I don’t think I would have met just in my day to day life. 

So that’s been really nice and I feel a real sense of community. 

I don’t think you have to be an optimist to be an activist.”

Click here to listen to Hannah’s Story, continue to read more stories, or Click here to jump to action

Josephine’s XR Story

“I grew up on a Council estate in East Leeds and I witnessed nature just being decimated. Dual carriageways appearing carving up the community and even as a small child I remember that something wasn’t right about this. I just had this gut feeling that something was very wrong. I felt that in 1977. 

When to step over the line into activism, whether it’s in a minor way or a big way. 

It’s like a release. 

And when you actually start doing it, you always feel better when we’re together. 

With a common purpose and people from all different walks of life, something happens that’s bigger than ourselves as individuals, which is quite wonderful. 

You don’t have to block a road to be a member of XR.  I do the cooking! 

Oh yeah, people are waking up to this.  Something’s going to happen.

Click here to listen to Josephine’s Story, continue to read more, or Click here to jump to action

Sandy’s XR Story

“I’m a member of the Bristol XR Arts working group. We’re engaged in in creativity and in making things and finding visual solutions to problems. 

Painting banners, printing flags making props for little theatrical performances and things. 

What makes me angry is the hypocrisy of governments and corporations that claim to be concerned about the climate emergency and yet at the very same time they enact policies that inevitably will make it worse.

I do think that if we can, and are strong enough, and a big enough mass movement

we can make change happen.  And we have to…” 

Click here to listen to Sandy’s XR Story, continue to read more, or Click here to jump to action

The best thing to do is to actually connect with some of us.

As you can see from the stories above we are normal, concerned, yet active citizens.

  1. Attend a rebel meeting
    We hold a regular weekly meeting is a chance for rebels across Bristol to come together, find out what’s coming up and learn from each other.

    This takes place every Tuesday evening, 7pm – 9pm. On the first Tuesday of each month, we make this a big monthly meetup, where all our working groups and communities join too.

    Find out more on our Meetings Page.

  2. Ask any questions
    Email us at:

  3. Read more of our XR Stories, and then join us
Calling bird

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