Stay Connected With XR Bristol

For those documents that require a password please use: bristol


Want to know about upcoming actions? 

Submit an actions proposal

EVENTS, Talks & Training

Want to stay up to date with XR Bristol events? 

Some of our events are also posted on XR Bristol Facebook.

You can also sign up for our fortnightly newsletter for reminders on upcoming events!

View Events page to see what’s coming up!

Promote an event


Want to stay up to date with XR Bristol meetings? 

Our meetings are posted on the Meetings page or for regular updates, please:

You can also sign up for our fortnightly newsletter for reminders on upcoming events!

Rebel From Home Updates

Our primary focus is preserving life. For those who want to get involved from home, shielding or keen to get involved in digital actions, please join the WhatsApp Broadcast for fortnightly home action updates.

There is also a UK wide Digital Rebellion telegram broadcast. Join here

You can also sign up for our fortnightly newsletter for reminders on upcoming actions from home!


These groups are there for rebels to chat to one another, finding XR community in their area and supporting each other!


Looking to create or join an affinity group? Please email:

Mattermost & The XR Hub

You can search for and contact anyone in XR on Mattermost where we discuss and organise.

The XR Hub is gateway to Mattermost and our cloud storage. To go to the XR Hub

To get added to Mattermost & the Hub contact:

Request a broadcast