Big Bristol Meeting

The First Big Bristol Meeting

On US Election day, when the course of global history hangs in the balance, we will be coming together to share, learn, plan and energise our movement for a better world.


3rd November

What time?




What’s on the agenda?


Why Come Along?

The Big Bristol Meeting will be a great opportunity to get to know other rebels, get updates from working groups and have your say in how we move forward.

Working Groups will be having short meetings so that you can meet rebels in working groups you might be interested in, learn a bit about what is being done and what it would involve to join.


First Tuesday of every month 

On the first Tuesday of every month, the whole of XR Bristol gets together at the Big Bristol Meeting – every rebel, every working group, affinity group, circle, community and project – all in one, big virtual place. 

As a single organism we’ll learn and plan together, sharing and focusing our ideas and energy to make us bigger, stronger and more connected.

It’ll be the place to get inspired, get informed and get involved in campaigns, projects and groups.

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