Working groups
Loads of work goes on behind the scenes in XR to enable actions, events and meetings to take place. Working Groups focus on doing that work. All groups share the same goal of supporting rebels to build a powerful movement.
Explore our working groups to imagine how you can get involved.
Then email XR Bristol via to follow up or come to one of our Meetings
Find details of all our upcoming Working Group meetings here →
Look for specific roles within XR Bristol and XR UK on the Volunteer site→
Actions can take many forms, from creative displays to rebelling on the streets. Our Actions Working Group works on the ideas and logistics behind the scenes. We’re looking for all kinds of different people to join the group and help us plan ahead.
Affinity Group Support
Affinity Groups (AGs) are small, motivated groups of rebels who team up to support each other on actions. The Affinity Group Support team helps AGs form and provides info and support to AGs. We’re a small and newly formed team, so could always do with more hands on deck!
The Arts Working Group communicates XR’s identity and articulates our messaging through banners, flags, block printing, street painting and much more. If you’re a muralist, street artist or graphic designer we’d love to hear from you.
Communities & Outreach
We build communities within XR Bristol as well as reaching out to local communities to work alongside other groups. The best way to engage people is to get out there and have a conversation, so we’re looking for friendly people to join the team!
We collaborate with other Working Groups to fundraise for their projects. By facilitating more spending across XR Bristol, Fundraising enables more action. We’re looking for people with creative fundraising ideas and the motivation to make them happen.
The Hosting Working Group is all about making XR Bristol meetings happen. Where do they take place? How? What goes on in them? Hosting gets all this sorted. We’re always looking for more hosts, and people to run workshops and give talks in meetings.
Justice on climate and ecological issues is not achievable without social justice. We educate, guide and create processes, working with other structures in XR Bristol to facilitate improving their practice around inclusivity and accessibility.
Our main aim is to get people more involved in XR Bristol, in a way that suits them. We want to improve rebels’ journeys from their first meeting to truly feeling part of XR Bristol. If you’re interested in getting involved we’d love to hear from you.
Media & Messaging
We work on what we’re saying as XR Bristol, who to, where, why and how. We look after XR Bristol’s social media, newsletter, website and relationships with local press. There’s always more to do, so if you have flair for communications, we have a space for you!
We focus on building working relationships and influencing our local authorities, particularly with the Bristol Mayor and Bristol City Council. We’re always looking for people with time, energy and organisational skills, as well as those with political insight.
Production & Design
We build 3D structures for rebellions, manage stages, sound and power kits, provide food and endless cups of tea and sort out logistics. We need people with hands-on, technical skills as well as organised people with a love of lists.
Regenerative Culture & Wellbeing (Regen)
We’re focused on wellbeing within the movement. During actions, Regen looks after rebels, making sure those on the frontline receive the support they need. We always welcome more members to the group – no specific skills or experience required.
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A monthly or one-off donation will help us raise awareness, train members and fund actions.
Volunteer with Extinction Rebellion UK