XR Farmers join the International Rebellion
September 24, 2019

As the International Rebellion approaches, farmers and land workers from across the UK are uniting to form the XR Farmers group. This group is for people in farming to come together as part of XR and in support of non-violent civil disobedience in this time of climate and ecological crisis.
The XR Farmers group will join XR Bristol, XR Wales, rebels from the Welsh Marches and Rainbow Rebellion (XR rebels from the LGBTQ+ community) to form the We Are All Crew site in London during the International Rebellion.
The XR Farmers’ declaration
We stand together as farmers and land workers to demand the government tells the truth on the climate emergency and takes action to reduce the impacts of the crisis as a matter of the greatest urgency.
The science is clear, we have to act now.
Farming is on the front line of climate change. We need immediate action is to transition to a system that:
- reduces dependency on fossil fuels
- builds biodiversity
- works with nature to support the systems upon which we all depend
Many of us are doing fantastic work to build healthy soils and move towards regenerative, nature friendly farming systems.
The government must put in place policies that enable positive change to happen, to build a system resilient to a changing climate and to produce healthy food that is affordable to all.
XR Farmers are joining the rebellion, joining the movement of movements, to demand immediate action on the climate and ecological emergency.
Get involved
Go to the Extinction Rebellion Farmers website to join the group.
Or join the Extinction Rebellion Farmers Facebook group.
This group is connected to a wider effort in XR to bring different community groups together. We strive to welcome everyone and every part of everyone.
Creating spaces for conversation and discussion for all intersections of experience is part of XR’s efforts to model a regenerative culture.
We need to be aware that different occupations will have different difficulties with the crisis we are in and how we deal with it. For example, it is important for teachers to have a space to discuss their experience of being forced to teach a curriculum that neglects the facts about our children’s future.