Blog | On being a barnacle

This blog is part of a series celebrating the anniversary of our first International Rebellion in April 2019 – sharing memories from the two weeks that steered the ship of system change and raised the flag of Rebellion. In this blog, Nick reflects on being a barnacle – one of the many rebels who stuck themselves to the pink boat to anchor her at Oxford Circus.

Barnacles on the pink boat at Oxford Circus
Photography by Andy Reeves

Why would anyone sit with their hand super-glued to a pink-painted boat in Oxford Circus in the chill of the breaking dawn? Listening in the stillness to the murmur of fellow rebels and the first birdsong I watch the first light of day wash out the stars and feel the cold that has crept into my glued hand, and I look forward to the warmth of the coming sun.

We have stayed yet another day.

I could be home, warm, in bed, but I’ll disrupt here until prised away.

‘Tell The Truth’ says the boat so we stay stuck til one by one we are barnacles no more.

But the boat is out there now cutting through what was a sea of silence.

Calling bird

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