We are Extinction Rebellion Bristol

About us

We are part of an international movement standing up for climate justice and against the mass extinction of millions of species. We use people power to demand our Government acts with urgency on the climate and ecological emergency.

Learn more on the XR UK site

Get involved

We need you – whoever you are, however much time you have – to help build a powerful movement.

Latest news

Extinction Rebellion Bristol welcomes radical strategy to tackle the climate emergency

Upcoming actions

National feed-in

Mothers & Babies of XR, with support of Grandparents and other family members, will stage a mass Feed-In at the Department for Business, Energy & Industry Strategy in London to demand the END of Fossil Fuel Madness.

ℹ️ Facebook event page
📅 11:30am, Friday 20 March
📌 Department for Business, Energy and Industrial strategy

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