Deepen your commitment with XR Bristol

Hello… thanks for doing so much…

But we need to do more.

If you have arrived at this page, you know have probably been committed to Extinction Rebellion for some time, and have probably sacrificed a lot already, but we have to ask…

But we have to ask the question… can you do more to help us help everyone?

So many fantastic Rebels are doing so much, but let us introduce our Bristol Rebels who are going just that bit further, and imagine how you could join with them and how being part of the growing movement of Extinction Rebellion (XR).

Charlotte ‘s XR Story

“In order to look my children in the eye, I know that I need to step up and I need to continue what I’m doing. It’s so important. 

I have a duty of care to my patients and my patients children, and that’s what drives me forward and keeps me going. 

Climate change is a scary subject and it can affect people’s mental health and cause eco anxiety and to go to a protest is the most validating thing that I’ve ever done and in so enjoyable to be surrounded by people that really care for you for the climate and humanity. 

I think that what we need to do is we need to put pressure on the policy makers and the government to build a better world, one that we all want to live in, that we’re thriving in where we’ve got clean air, clean water, food, shelter just the basic human rights needs that we all have. 

So I think if you’re a parent watching this at home, wondering what you should do, be brave, step outside your comfort zone and take action.”

Click here to listen to Charlotte’s Story, continue to read more stories, or Click here to jump to action

Chloe’s XR Story

“I guess I started where lots of people start. I am signed petitions I wrote to my MP’s. I went on marches and then I stepped into non violent civil disruption.  I’ve been arrested outside the Houses of Parliament, I’ve been arrested in Oxford Circus, I’ve been arrested on Vauxhall Bridge. 

I will do anything within my power to protect my children. 

And if that means continuing to be arrested, if that means risking prison then that’s what it will take, because the consequences of our inaction are going to be so catastrophic for our children. 

History will vindicate those of us that are taking action right now we are doing the right thing, and one of the things that we don’t necessarily always communicate about activism is the joy that comes from it. 

The thing I’d say to anyone who is worrying about the climate right now is make this your New Year’s resolution for 2023. Just step forward at this time make that the thing that you’re going to do in the next year, and I promise you you won’t regret it.”

Click here to listen to Chloe’s Story, continue to read more, or Click here to jump to action

Alice’s XR Story

“I can’t imagine what I’d be doing if I went to work everyday and came home and watched EastEnders and made my dinner. That’s not what happens anymore. I can’t imagine ever stopping now. 

I can tell you allegedly what I’ve done lately. I’ve been involved in some demonstrations at private jet airports to highlight the fact that it’s 1% of people that cause 50% of the emissions from flying.

It’s the Super rich and corporations.

The thing I find it difficult to deal with is people that are acutely aware of the issues. People that are taking decisions that have influence within their industry which are still carrying on business as usual. CEOs of ExxonMobil CEOs of Shell BP.

They know exactly. They’re intelligent, educated people. 

They have the power to change something, and they’re not doing it, and there’s no. There’s no legal way in place of challenging them at the moment..

Click here to listen to Alice’s Story, continue to read more, or Click here to jump to action

The best thing to do is to actually connect with some of us.

As you can see from the stories above we are normal, concerned, yet active citizens.

  1. Attend a rebel meeting
    We hold a regular weekly meeting is a chance for rebels across Bristol to come together, find out what’s coming up and learn from each other.

    Find out more on our Meetings Page.

  2. Help us Design, Deliver and Support beautiful, empowering Actions that envision a better world and future for us all.

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  4. Help create your own XR Stories, and join us in this epic journey
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