Request Event Promotion Or Broadcast
Use this form to request event promotion or a broadcast to rebel communication channels.
For events, please submit this form 2 weeks prior to your event.
WhatsApp: This is a weekly roundup of forthcoming XR Bristol events sent every Monday. It’s sent to existing rebels so would be good to promote ways for rebels to take action from home and meetings and upskilling for existing rebels.
Twitter, Facebook and social media: This goes out to members of the public so is most suited to talks and meetings aimed at people who aren’t in XR but are interested in the movement, or in the climate crisis more generally. If possible, please supply a graphic with the name and date of your event via a link for use on Instagram.
To create free XR graphics, use this tool.
Please note, M&M subgroups will exercise their discretion whether to promote an event on their specific platform as and when they consider appropriate.
In the case of an emergency you can message a media and messaging coordinator via email mediacoordination.xrbristol@protonmail.com to see if a quick turn around is possible. (Please note, we consider an emergency to be an issue such as changing a Zoom link on the day of the event, not trying to get an event promoted last minute.)