Rebel From Home

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Ongoing CEE Bill Action From Home

The Climate and Ecological Emergency Bill can change our course — making the Government act with the urgency we need and involving everyday people in a Citizens’ Assembly that has real bite.

Other Ways To Support The CEE Bill

If you know that your MP is going to vote for the CEE Bill then be hugely supportive of them!

For MPs who haven’t publicly stated their support for the Bill, XR rebels and campaigners can act in a number of ways:

  • Ask your MP directly to sign the Bill. View and download the template letter to MPs to get you started. Remember, it’s more likely to be taken seriously if you make it personal to you. Find your local MP here.
  • Lobby your MP at their constituency office. As a constituent you can phone your MP’s office and ask for a meeting – most MPs hold surgeries on a Friday in their local office. At the meeting, show them the Bill and ask them to add their name to its supporters. Keep doing this, every week.
  • Publicly call on your MP to sign the Bill. Tweet them, contact your local press or ring up your local radio station and call on your MP to sign the Bill on air. Use thehashtag #CEEbill
  • Join the CEE Bill campaign to access brilliant resources for writing to and tweeting your MP. Once you sign up you’ll receive an automatic email with links to all the resources.

Welsh rebels: The CEE Bill is not an issue that Members of the Senedd (MS) can vote on. Welsh rebels and campaigners should lobby their Westminster MP in the ways listed above.

Calling bird

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